Honor Daniel Hidalgo — and his sister’s tribute — by getting vaccinated - Chicago News Weekly

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Honor Daniel Hidalgo — and his sister’s tribute — by getting vaccinated

Daniel Norman Hidalgo | Photo provided by Mercedes Hidalgo

I felt such pain and sadness as I read Mercedes Hidalgo’s powerful essay about the death of her brother Daniel Norman Hidalgo. What an eloquent tribute to a life lost to COVID-19.

This death did not have to happen to this family at this time. Mr. Hidalgo followed all the rules and guidelines — he was fully vaccinated — and yet that was not enough to keep him well because others had refused to get vaccinated.

We are all members of the human race. We all need to get vaccinated. If this is not the “right time,” as some say, then when is the right time?

I urge everybody to read Mercedes Hidalgo’s essay about her brother. Put yourself in her place. Tell me you do not feel this family’s pain.

Do the right thing and get vaccinated, please.

Maryanne Jakubowski, Jefferson Park

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Pass this essay along

A very powerful essay from the sister of a COVID patient who passed away. Everyone who hesitates to get the vaccine should read this essay — and pass it on to someone they care about. It could save their “brother’s” life.

Julia Smith, Ravenswood Manor

Then read it again!

What a wonderful, powerful essay in Thursday’s Sun-Times by Mercedes Hidalgo. I wish this could be printed on the front page of all newspapers every day, with a note that says “If Not Vaccinated, Read Again!”

Until every one is vaccinated.

Jackie Demo, Park Ridge

Bike paths and safety

Chicago’s plan to add 100 miles of bike lanes by 2022 is an admiral move considering the growing number of cyclists. With the introduction of e-bikes in the last few years, many people who previously were unable to ride a bike due to health issues now find cycling achievable and enjoyable.

But cyclist safety is always a concern when you have automobiles and bicycles sharing the same space. Many automobile drivers, for one, are still using electronic devices while driving. They read text messages or — worse — send messages while driving, and that creates an extreme safety concern for cyclists. I have witnessed drivers paying minimal attention to driving.

There should be severe consequences for drivers who refuse to put their phones down. Only then will cyclists be safe.

John Livaich, Oak Lawn

from Chicago Sun-Times - All https://ift.tt/3macAgr

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