Live Blog: Kyle Rittenhouse Reaction Pours in on Social Media - Chicago News Weekly

Friday, November 19, 2021

Live Blog: Kyle Rittenhouse Reaction Pours in on Social Media

NOTE: A live feed of continuing verdict coverage is available above.

A jury Friday afternoon found Kyle Rittenhouse not guilty of charges related to killing two people and injuring a third at protests during unrest in Kenosha in August 2020.

Following the decision, reaction has poured in across the country, including from politicians and the family of Jacob Blake, the 29-year-old Black man whose shooting spurred racial injustice protests in the Wisconsin community.

Here’s what organizations and people – from lawmakers to victims’ families – have had to say:

Kenosha County District Attorney’s Office

Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger, the lead prosecutor in the Rittenhouse case, released the following statement:

The jury, representing our community, has rendered its verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse case. While we are disappointed with the verdict, it must be respected. We are grateful to the members of the jury for their diligent and thoughtful deliberations. The Kenosha community has endured much over the past 15 months, and yet we remain resilient and strong. We ask that members of our community continue to express their opinions and feelings about this verdict in a civil and peaceful manner.

Kyle Rittenhouse Defense Attorney Mark Richards

“To say that we were relieved would be a gross misunderstanding. And Kyle is not here. He’s on his way home. He wants to get on with his life.”

“He has a huge sense of relief for what the jury did to him today. He wishes none of this would have ever happened. But as he said when he testify, he did not start this and we’re thankful in more ways than one, that the jury finally got to hear the true story…”

Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers


“The verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse case is a travesty and fails to deliver justice on behalf of those who lost their lives as they peacefully assembled to protest against police brutality and violence. Rittenhouse’s decision to go to Kenosha and provoke protestors was unwarranted. Moreover, the outcome of this case sets a dangerous precedent.

We have seen this same outcome time and time again; a justice system that presents different outcomes based on the race of the accused. This verdict is a reminder of the treacherous role that white supremacy and privilege play within our justice system.  In the midst of this disappointing verdict, we must continue to work to ensure that those who seek to harm progress do not find refuge for their illicit acts in a system meant to protect victims.”

Black Lives Matter

U.S. Rep. Bryan Steil – Wisconsin’s 1st Congressional District

Wisconsin Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes

Civil Rights Attorney Ben Crump

U.S. Sen Ron Johnson from Wisconsin

Karen Bloom and John Huber – Parents of Anthony Huber

Karen Bloom and John Huber, the parents of Anthony Huber, who was fatally shot by Rittenhouse, released the following statement:

“We are heartbroken and angry that Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted in his criminal trial for the murder of our son Anthony Huber. There was no justice today for Anthony, or for Mr. Rittenhouse’s other victims, Joseph Rosenbaum and Gaige Grosskreutz.

We did not attend the trial because we could not bear to sit in a courtroom and repeatedly watch videos of our son’s murder, and because we have been subjected to many hurtful and nasty comments in the past year. But we watched the trial closely, hoping it would bring us closure.

That did not happen. Today’s verdict means there is no accountability for the person who murdered our son. It sends the unacceptable message that armed civilians can show up in any town, incite violence, and then use the danger they have created to justify shooting people in the street. We hope that decent people will join us in forcefully rejecting that message and demanding more of our laws, our officials, and our justice system.

Make no mistake: our fight to hold those responsible for Anthony’s death accountable continues in full force. Neither Mr. Rittenhouse nor the Kenosha police who authorized his bloody rampage will escape justice. Anthony will have his day in court.

No reasonable person viewing all of the evidence could conclude that Mr. Rittenhouse acted in self-defense. In response to racist and violent calls to action from militia members, Mr. Rittenhouse travelled to Kenosha illegally armed with an assault rifle. He menaced fellow citizens in the street. Though he was in open violation of a curfew order, Kenosha police encouraged him to act violently. Kenosha police told militia members that they would push peaceful protestors toward the militia so that the militia could ‘deal with them.’ Soon after, Mr. Rittenhouse killed Joseph Rosenbaum. The police did nothing. Concerned citizens, confronted with a person shooting indiscriminately on the street, stepped in to stop the violence. Anthony was shot in the chest trying to disarm Mr. Rittenhouse and stop his shooting spree. Still, the police did nothing. Mr. Rittenhouse continued to shoot, maiming Gaige Grosskreutz. The police let Mr. Rittenhouse leave the scene freely. Mr. Rittenhouse came to Kenosha armed to kill. Kenosha police encouraged him to act violently, and our son is dead as a result.

We are so proud of Anthony, and we love him so much. He is a hero who sacrificed his own life to protect other innocent civilians. We ask that you remember Anthony and keep him in your prayers.

Justin Blake – Uncle of Jake Blake

Justin Blake, the uncle of Jacob Blake, spoke outside the Kenosha County Courthouse in the moments following the decision.

“We’re gonna maintain peace and protests in the streets and all over America. Our voices [are] gonna be heard all over America. I’m about to take the streets of America because we still have Ahmad Arbery, we still have Heather Heyer in Charlottesville, Virginia, and the fight continues.

“We know the truth. And one thing about the truth, the truth will make you free. We’re not satisfied. We’re not going to be pacified. And we’re not going to accept this…

…And so there’s jury and this judge and this court, and many of you in the media saw for yourselves. Unprecedented rulings, unprecedented bias, unprecedented actions that gave this defendant the kind of leverage…that brought about this verdict. We’re gonna continue to fight, but we’re going to continue to be peaceful. And we’re going to continue to use our First Amendment the right for freedom of speech, and social justice. Let freedom ring.”

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from NBC Chicago

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