The U.S. Postal Service is ready and prepared for the holiday season - Chicago News Weekly

Saturday, November 26, 2022

The U.S. Postal Service is ready and prepared for the holiday season

A U.S. Postal Service mail box.

A U.S. Postal Service mail box.

Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images

The U.S. Postal Service has been hard at work preparing for the holiday season since January. Rest assured, we’re holiday ready and well prepared to deliver fast and reliable service to every address in Chicago and across America.

The USPS has made significant investments to ensure your holiday greeting cards and packages reach their intended destination on time. We’ve added 249 new package-sorting machines across the nation, which will allow us to process 60 million packages per day. This new equipment is part of $40 billion in new investments made under Delivering for America, our 10-year plan to achieve financial sustainability and service excellence.

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Additionally, we have the space we need to manage all packages and mail when they reach us. We’ve strategically expanded our footprint by 8.5 million square feet throughout the country to augment space shortages at existing postal facilities, and we’ve deployed new technology on our workroom floors to make sure we can track and move mail and packages quickly and to get them on their way.

The 650,000 men and women of the U.S. Postal Service pride ourselves on playing an important role in delivering the holidays for the nation. We’ve had more than 100,000 part-time employees convert to full-time positions since January 2021. And there is still time to join our team for the holiday season. Open seasonal positions are posted at

Thank you for continuing to support the Postal Service. Our Chicago Postal Service team wishes you a wonderful holiday season.

Jewel Morrow, Postmaster

Put an end to all the Trump nonsense

Well, we are having another investigation of former President Donald Trump. How guilty do you have to be to be indicted and held accountable for your misdeeds or crimes? Let’s take a look:

1. You say in a speech, “We gotta fight like hell, or you won’ have a country anymore.” Did you incite a mob to invade and desecrate the Capitol building? Let’s investigate.

2. You take/steal documents and send them home to your residence. You still have these documents and will not turn them over. Are your guilty? Let’s investigate.

3. You pay employees with benefits — free living quarters, use of a car — that are not declared on income tax filings. Are you guilty? Let’s investigate.

4. You count the votes during an election then call the secretary of state and plead for another 11,000 more votes. Are you guilty? Let’s investigate.

5. You have an investigation and tell the story behind the insurrection and coup attempt in such a plain and straightforward manner, including sworn testimony, that it is entirely obvious to the entire country. Are you guilty? Let’s investigate.

6. You have an important meeting and have all the participants stay at your hotel and charge the government outlandish rates. Are you guilty? Let’s investigate.

I could go on and on. When do we charge this man and end all this nonsense? Give me a break.

Tom Williamson, Frankfort

Other tech bosses aren’t like Elon Musk

“Future employers won’t even consider hiring an employees who declared they will not go the extra mile for the company or their own careers.”

Letter writer Mike Zaczek of Orland Park, published recently in the Sun-Times, must not be keeping up with the news about former Twitter employees. Many of them were quickly offered other jobs. Maybe there are other businesses that don’t like the way Elon Musk does business any more than the rest of us.

Laurence Siegel, Manteno

When the GOP takes control (just barely) of the U.S. House

When the GOP takes control of the U.S. House of Representatives in January, they will bring the usual array of their well-known circus clowns to dazzle and distract us.

Their most famous female clown is Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene from Georgia. You remember: She’s the one who told us that wildfires in California were purposely ignited by “Jewish space lasers.” Who needs facts and reality?

She also has been strong-arming U.S. Rep. Kevin McCarthy (not exactly a “strong man” himself) to promise he will launch investigations into the Jan 6th Committee, because, so she says, they have been “victimizing” the armed violent rioters who stormed the Capitol on Jan 6th.

Never mind they were trying to find and possibly kill members of Congress, hang then-Vice President Mike Pence and overthrow the peaceful transfer of power so Don the Con could remain president. Again, Rep. Greene lives in a fact-free zone, like so many of her congressional colleagues. And the GOP claims to be the party of “law and order?”

I’m writing this in the hope that sane and rational Americans will be reminded this is what the GOP has become: a clown circus to dazzle and distract us. They either can’t, or won’t, govern like adults. It’s who they are, and it’s gotten much worse since The Ringmaster Con Man arrived in 2016. These clowns are dangerous, not funny.

Bob Chimis, Elmwood Park

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