No Bail for Chicago Man Charged in Shootout With Lombard Police That Killed Alleged Accomplice - Chicago News Weekly

Saturday, December 10, 2022

No Bail for Chicago Man Charged in Shootout With Lombard Police That Killed Alleged Accomplice

A South Side man has been charged with robbing a tobacco shop in Lombard, leading to a shootout with police that left one suspect dead and an officer wounded.

Bail was denied Saturday for 31-year-old Anthony Brown, who faces felony counts of attempted first-degree murder, aggravated discharge of a firearm at an officer, armed robbery with a firearm and aggravated battery, according to the DuPage County State’s Attorney’s Office.

About 4:05 p.m. Thursday, Brown and Pierre Thompson allegedly entered Pipes and Tobacco shop at 54 W. Roosevelt Road in the western suburb, wearing masks and ordering an employee to open the cash register as they brandished a handgun, authorities said.

They later hit the owner of the store in the head with the gun and took both his and the employee’s wallets and cellphones, as well as $600 from a filing cabinet in the back of the store, prosecutors said.

As officers responded to the robbery, Brown and Thompson were seen running from the store, officials said.

Thompson allegedly approached two officers in a vehicle and opened fire with a gun that had been modified with a switch, striking one officer in the leg, prosecutors said.

Officers then returned fire, striking Thompson, officials said. He was taken to a hospital where he died.

The officer was also taken to a hospital with injuries that weren’t life-threatening, officials said.

Brown faces between 41 and 125 years in prison if convicted. His next court date is Dec. 27.

from NBC Chicago

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