McCarthy ouster vote ahead as he confronts GOP critics but says he won't cut a deal with Democrats - Chicago News Weekly

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

McCarthy ouster vote ahead as he confronts GOP critics but says he won't cut a deal with Democrats

Speaker Kevin McCarthy plans to force a vote Tuesday on the far-right effort to oust him from his leadership position and insists he will not cut a deal with Democrats to remain in power, setting the stage for an extraordinary and unpredictable showdown on the House floor.

McCarthy’s fate is deeply uncertain as he confronts what’s known as a “motion to vacate” from Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida, a strident critic. It would take the support of only a handful of Republicans to remove McCarthy as speaker, should Democrats vote in favor alongside the conservative rebels.

Let’s get on with it, McCarthy told his colleagues in a closed-door meeting, according to a Republican in the room granted anonymity to discuss it.

The Democratic leader, Hakeem Jeffries, said in a statement before the vote that the Democratic leadership would vote to remove McCarthy.

Of Republicans, Jeffries wrote, “Given their unwillingness to break from MAGA extremism in an authentic and comprehensive manner, House Democratic leadership will vote yes on the pending Republican Motion to Vacate the Chair.”

It’s a stunning moment for the embattled McCarthy that serves as the most severe punishment yet — sparked by his weekend decision to work with Democrats to keep the federal government open rather than risk a shutdown. So far, several hard-right Republicans said they are ready to oppose McCarthy, whose faced challenges from the start of his tenure in January with a prolonged battle to gain the gavel.

At the Capitol, both Republicans and Democrats met privately behind closed doors ahead of what would be a historic afternoon vote.

“(Democrats) haven’t asked for anything,” McCarthy said on CNBC before the meeting. “I’m not going to provide anything.”

McCarthy invoked the last Republican speaker, Joseph Cannon, who more than 100 years ago confronted his critics head on by calling their bluff and setting the vote himself on his ouster. Cannon survived that take-down attempt which, until now, was the first time the House had actually voted to consider removing its speaker.

McCarthy received three standing ovations during the private meeting — one when he came to the microphone to speak, again during his remarks and lastly when he was done, the Republican said.

At one point, there was a show of hands in support of McCarthy and it was “overwhelming,” said Rep. Ralph Norman, R-S.C., a member of the House Freedom Caucus. He said he would be voting to “table” or set aside the motion against the speaker.

Gaetz was in attendance, but did not address the room.

On the other side of the Capitol, Democrats lined up for a long discussion and unified around one common point: McCarthy cannot be trusted, one of the lawmakers in the room said.

Still, the Democrats left it to Jeffries and his team to decide the move ahead as floor voting is set to begin.

“I think it’s safe to say there’s not a lot of good will in that room for Kevin McCarthy,” said Rep. Richard Neal, D-Mass.

Jeffries said in his statement that Democrats were willing to work with Republicans, but he urged those on the other side of the aisle to — “End the chaos, end the dysfunction, end the extremism.”

Privately Jeffries had told the caucus that Democrats should vote to oust McCarthy as he has proven to be untrustworthy, according to a Democratic aide who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a private meeting. Jeffries also told the Democrats to vote against any procedure motion to delay the effort to oust McCarthy on Tuesday, the aide said.

“At the end of the day, the country needs a speaker that can be relied upon,” said Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Ca. “We don’t trust him. Their members don’t trust him. And you need a certain degree of trust to be the speaker.”

Rep. Brad Schneider, D-Ill., said “McCarthy got himself in this mess. It’s up to McCarthy to get himself out.”

“We are always the adults in the room,” said Democratic Rep. Abigail Spanberger. “McCarthy said he doesn’t need our help,” she said. “He has made his bed.”

The vote ahead will likely involve a motion to table the Gaetz proposal, which means that lawmakers would be voting to set it aside for now.

McCarthy appeared confident he would win this round, but acknowledged it may not be the last word. Gaetz has indicated he is not done fighting the speaker, and could try again as many times as he likes.

One key McCarthy ally, Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., has taken to social media urging support for “our speaker” and an end to the chaos that has roiled the Republican majority.

The snap vote this week comes as Republicans are trying to make progress on a key demand from Gaetz and others, which is to move ahead with the 12 annual spending bills and prevent another stopgap measure like the one Congress approved last weekend hours before the government shutdown deadline.

Republicans are upset that McCarthy relied on Democratic votes Saturday to approve the temporary measure to keep the government running until Nov. 17. Some would have preferred a government shutdown as they fight for deeper spending cuts.

But Democrats are also upset at McCarthy for walking away from the debt deal that he made with President Joe Biden earlier this year that already set federal spending levels as he emboldens his right-flank to push for steep spending reductions.

from NBC Chicago

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